Withdrawal from all courses in which a student is enrolled in a given semester/session constitutes a withdrawal from College. Withdrawal from College during the official withdrawal date set in the College Calendar for semester/session requires that the student submit an official request for withdrawal through a drop/add withdrawal form.
Students should consult with an advisor before withdrawing. Unless this request has been completed by the student and submitted by the appropriate withdrawal dates, the withdrawal is considered “unapproved” and will result in a final grade of “F” or “UF” in all classes.
Financial aid recipients should discuss the implications of withdrawing from class with the Financial Aid Office in order to gain an understanding of any implications withdrawing has on their financial aid status.
Withdrawal from College after the official withdrawal date requires that the student seek a withdrawal from each course with the permission of his/her instructors. See the next section.
Refund and withdrawal eligibility will be based upon the date on the drop/add or withdrawal. A student who withdraws from all classes within the published withdrawal dates, providing there is no violation of academic integrity, will have that withdrawal recorded as a “W” as long as all appropriate forms have been filed.
Official Withdrawal Period
The official withdrawal period is published in the College calendar. Students may withdraw from a course(s) at any time during the official withdrawal dates posted for the semester/session. Students who wish to drop a course(s) must fill out a Drop/Add Courses Form and submit it to the Registrar’s office.
Please note that some courses do not run for the traditional 15 week semester and an equivalent withdrawal date is calculated and published each term. Official withdrawal can only be accomplished within the dates listed for that semester/session. These dates are identified in the College Calendar, which is available at wk0c.lixubing.com.
Implications of Withdrawal
Students who withdraw will have a withdrawal “W” grade recorded on their transcript. The “W” grade does not impact the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) but it does count as having taken the course. Students may not repeat a course more than once without written approval from the Division Dean.
Students should talk to their instructor and an advisor before they consider withdrawing. Withdrawal may change eligibility for federal financial aid and a student’s status from full-time to part-time. Students participating in the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) must contact the EOF Office prior to submitting a request for withdrawal form. Also, students receiving Financial Aid funding must contact the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from one or more courses.
An Incomplete “I” grade cannot be changed to a “W” grade.
Graduation, Withdrawal, Below Half-time Status Repayment of Your Loan
In most cases, you must begin making payments six months after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment. Depending on the type of loan you have, the six-month period is called a grace period or a deferment period. Your loan servicer handles the billing, customer service, and other administrative tasks on your loan. For most types of loans, interest will accrue (accumulate) while you are in school and during the six-month period.
Exit Counseling:
If a student graduates, withdraws or drops below half-time status and has borrowed a Federal Direct Loan, the student must complete Exit Loan Counseling. By completing the Exit Counseling, students will gain knowledge and insight on the following:
Understanding Your Loans
Planning to Repay
Avoiding Default
Finances: A Priority
Repayment Information
In order to fulfill this obligation, UCNJ sends the Exit Counseling Guide for Federal Student Loan Borrowers (available through the US Department of Education) and a letter describing the process. Students are instructed to complete their exit loan counseling at www.studentloans.gov.
The material is mailed within 30 days of learning that a borrower has withdrawn, graduated or dropped below half time enrollment. If the student borrower drops out without notifying UCNJ, the College must mail exit counseling material to the borrower at his or her last known address.
Financial Aid Counselors are available to meet with students regarding this federal requirement in order to address any questions of their indebtedness and financial obligation.
Withdrawals by Federal Financial Aid Recipients
Federal Regulations require that Federal financial aid recipients be subject to a reduction of their financial aid if they withdraw or stop attending all classes before completing 60 percent of any given semester.
All financial aid recipients are responsible for the costs incurred for tuition, fees, books, and related costs should their financial aid be revised or cancelled for any reason.
Students who do not pay an outstanding balance resulting from a change in their financial aid will be turned over to a collection agency and will be responsible for the added cost of collection fees, court costs, and legal fees. The cost of Collection can add as much as 40% to the amount already owed and could result in the disruption of credit worthiness when the collection agency reports the delinquent account to national credit bureaus.